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December 5

It is evident that the subject of the suffering poor and the pampered rich has been, and will continue to be, discussed by the world's scholars and philosophers, but so far they have not found a solution to this difficult problem. Whatever you witness in this world, such as evidences of mighty upheavals and omens of future events, all revolve around this pivot, that is, the groaning and the agitation of the poor on the one hand, and the excessive wealth and affluence of the rich on the other. This conflict and clash of interests will remain unchanged until such time as the laws and commandments revealed by the Pen of the Most High in this regard are executed and enforced, and the solution of the economic problems based on spiritual principles becomes possible. Then will there be peace between the rich and the poor, or between the forces of capital and labour. Then will the poor gain their legitimate right of having their necessary and essential needs satisfied, and the rich will be able to spend their wealth as they please, free of fear for their lives and property. 
(From a letter dated 22 May 1928 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, translated from Persian; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. III, Economics, Agriculture, and Related Subjects)