Posted every second day…


October 3

…the entire Canadian Community will have to rise to a new level of activity, consciousness, and sacrifice, just as did the British Bahá’í Community during their Six Year Plan. Their success is perhaps one of the most remarkable ever achieved in the Bahá’í world because they were few in number, run down in health from the long years of suffering during the war, and poor in financial resources. Their determination, dedication and moral stamina, however, carried them through, and Bahá’u’lláh gave them the victory. He will give the same victory to everyone who shows the same characteristics. Success breeds success, and this same Community, now rightfully proud and conscious of its importance, is carrying on its African work in a brilliant manner. The Canadian Bahá’ís, more prosperous, less restricted, and equally capable, can accomplish just as much if they unitedly determine to do so. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 30 October 1951 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the Canadian National Spiritual; ‘Messages to Canada’)