As regards the chanting of Tablets in the Temple, Shoghi
Effendi wishes in this connection to urge the friends to avoid all forms of
rigidity and uniformity in matters of worship. There is no objection to the
recital or chanting of prayers in the Oriental language, but there is also no
obligation whatsoever of adopting such a form of prayer at any devotional
service in the auditorium of the Temple. It should neither be required nor
prohibited. The important thing that should always be borne in mind is that
with the exception of certain specific obligatory prayers, Baha’u’llah has
given us no strict or special rulings in matters of worship, whether in the
Temple or elsewhere. Prayer is essentially a communion between man and God, and
as such transcends all ritualistic forms and formulae.”
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter dated
June 15, 1935, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, Baha’i News, no. 93, July