In the future the Cause of God will spread throughout
America; millions will be enlisted under its banner and race prejudice will
finally be exorcised from the body politic. Of this have no doubt. It is
inexorable, because it is the Will of Almighty God. However, as the House of
Justice has been trying to get the friends to understand for some time, the
necessary precondition to translation of our community’s social vision into
reality is a massive expansion in the number of committed, deepened believers
who are well-grounded in the essentials of the Cause. Those who fail to
comprehend the urgency assigned to the objective of achieving a large expansion
have obviously failed to appreciate the moral imperative behind this aim.
- The Universal House of Justice (From
a letter dated 1 April 1996 written on behalf of the Universal House of
Justice; compilation: ‘Achieving Race Unity and Advancing the Process of Entry
by Troops: Extracts from Letters Written on behalf of the Universal House of
Justice to Individual Believers in the United States’, prepared by the Baha’i
World Center)