Scientific inquiry into the question of human contributions
to global warming has gradually unfolded over a century of investigation and,
more recently, with intense scrutiny. While there will naturally be differences
of view among individual scientists, there does exist at present a striking
degree of agreement among experts in relevant fields about the cause and impact
of climate change. Sound scientific results, obtained through the employment of
sound scientific methods, produce knowledge that can be acted upon; ultimately,
the outcomes of action must stand the test of further scientific inquiry and
the objective facts of the physical world. In the spectrum of issues under
discussion—which includes the extent of human contribution, projections of the
possible future consequences, and alternatives for response—some aspects are,
of course, less supported than others by scientific findings and hence subject
to additional critical analysis.
- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter dated 29 November 2017 written
on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)