... Each of us is responsible for one life only, and
that is our own. Each of us is immeasurably far from being 'perfect as our
heavenly Father is perfect' and the task of perfecting our own life and
character is one that requires all our attention, our will- power and energy.
If we allow our attention and energy to be taken up in efforts to keep others
right and remedy their faults, we are wasting precious time. We are like
ploughmen each of whom has his team to manage and his plough to direct, and in
order to keep his furrow straight he must keep his eye on his goal and
concentrate on his own task. If he looks to this side and that to see how Tom
and Harry are getting on and to criticize their ploughing, then his own furrow
will assuredly become crooked. (From a letter written on behalf of the
Guardian to an individual believer, May 12, 1925; ‘Living the Life’; ’Lights of