Posted every second day…


December 12

Humanity is submerged in materialism; occupied in everything save the mention of God; speaking of everything save the heavenly kingdom ; hearing everything save the call of God. As far as knowledge of things divine is concerned, it is as though some of the people were interred in the earth, going more and more into the blind darkness, completely buried from the knowledge of things above.

I hope the few gathered here will make a great effort, working day and night, that some result may be accomplished. Perhaps Europe may become weary of the dull materiality of the world and seek refreshment in a share of the heavenly glory. Europe has made extra-ordinary material progress, but if the qualities partake of the dust, what lasting result can accrue? The ideal to strive for is that which is in the supreme horizon – that is eternal! The underground is for worms and moles. That which is a cause for joy is a nest on the highest branch. (‘Abdu’l-Baha, “‘Abdu'l-Bahá on Divine Philosophy”; compilation ‘Europe’, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice,  published in Baha'i Studies Review, 1.1, Association for Baha'i Studies of English-Speaking Europe, 1991)