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March 23

The month of ‘Alá — the blessed days of the Fast and the grace-filled period of spiritual renewal — has come to an end, the cold and bitter winter has passed, and the month of Bahá — the beginning of the fresh and vivifying season of spring — has arrived. This transformation in the world of nature is a reminder of the coming of the heavenly springtide, a season that began with the dawning of the Cause of the Exalted One, the Forerunner and the Herald of spiritual revival in this radiant age, and the appearance of Bahá’u’lláh, the universal Manifestation of God and the Founder of a new world civilization. Just as the world of nature becomes sweet scented and fragrant through the breezes of spring and barren fields bloom anew and grow verdant, so does the celestial power emanating from the quickening breezes of this divine springtime bestow new life on the world of being and prepare it for wondrous progress, both material and spiritual. The effects of the creative and transformative power of this spiritual spring are far reaching; they portend the coming of age of humanity and lead peoples and nations towards a world characterized by unity in diversity. (The Universal House of Justice, message to the “followers of Bahá’u’lláh in Iran”, dated Naw-Ruz, 2013)