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August 10

Let no one suggest that the Bahá’í community stands completely apart and immune from the ills of society. Let no one imagine that it is possible to eliminate every vestige of the impact of racial prejudice on the Bahá’í community before fully engaging in the work of teaching and community building within the wider society. And while there is currently a priceless opportunity for African American believers to reach out to the African American population in the United States, let it not be presumed that in some way this opportunity is closed to Bahá’ís of other racial backgrounds. Rather, the friends should make every effort to reach out to all people, offer the healing remedy of Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings to everyone, and invite all to participate in the challenging, but rewarding, process of learning to translate what He has written into reality and action. For it is only through an ever-swelling mass of active workers, and their ever-growing capacity to expand the reach of their activities, that the process of creating the expression of race unity in more and more social spaces and of eliminating all forms of prejudice within them can unfold. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 28 January 2022, written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer; US Baha’i National Administrative website)