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November 16

The Universal House of Justice has received your letter ... in which you ask for guidance in observing the law for the burial of the dead in cases where the graveyard is more than an hour’s journey on foot from a village.

If alternative means of transport are not available or practicable in cases such as you mention, another possibility is for the Bahá’ís of such a village to acquire a graveyard nearer to the village so that it can be reached within one hour from the village limits. If no such solution is feasible the believers will just have to do their best for the present to keep the journey as short as possible. In any case the House of Justice presumes that the journey is not likely to greatly exceed the one hour limit.  

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 21 September 1981 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to a National Spiritual Assembly; compilation: ‘Baha’i Burial and Related Laws’, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, 2020)