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June 25

An English translation of the Kitab-i- Aqdas was made by Dr Earl E. Elder and Dr William McE. Miller, two men who were Presbyterian missionaries in Persia and have long been strongly antagonistic to the Faith. A great many of the statements that they make about its history are based on the assertions of Covenant-breakers or opponents of the Faith -- rather like a history of Christianity based primarily on statements by enemies of Jesus Christ. Dr Miller, for example, places great reliance on a document called the "Nuqtatu'l-Kaf," which is, in fact, spurious, as is fully demonstrated by the Hand of the Cause Hasan Balyuzi in his book Edward Granville Browne and the Baha'i Faith. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a document dated 27 May 1980, entitled “Extracts from a Reply Written on Behalf of the Universal House of Justice to Questions about the Kitab-I-Aqdas"; ‘Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986)