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January 30

When it has been concluded that a marriage can no longer be saved, a Bahá’í may apply to the Local Spiritual Assembly for a divorce, even if his or her spouse does not cooperate. Further, there are circumstances in which it would be permissible for a Bahá’í to expedite a civil divorce as a matter of protection, even while abiding by the spirit of the year of patience. It would, of course, be necessary for one affected by any such circumstance to consult with his or her Local or National Spiritual Assembly. If no Local Assembly exists in your community, you may seek the assistance of an Assembly nearby. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated August 18, 2014, to an individual believer; compilation: Guidelines for Local Spiritual Assemblies by United States NSA, revised 2022)