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February 6

Ever since the emergence of this progressive, youthful and dynamic community, [Canada] as an independent entity, and particularly since the inception of the Ten Year Plan, it has demonstrated, on several occasions, those qualities which alone can provide the guarantee of success in carrying out, as a worthy ally of her sister community in the Great Republic of the West, the sacred and historic Mission assigned to it by the Author of the Tablets of the Divine Plan. The staunchness of the faith of its members, their unyielding resolve, their ceaseless efforts, their willingness to sacrifice, their exemplary loyalty, their steadfast courage, have, time and again, been strikingly displayed, and served to fortify the hopes which I have always cherished for their future destiny. 

- Shoghi Effendi  (Post script to a message dated 26 June 1956 to National Spiritual Assembly of Canada; ‘Messages to Canada’)