The Guardian has never heard of any ruling by which a
believer who does not attend three consecutive day Nineteen Day Feasts can be
deprived of his voting rights. He does not consider that such action is
justifiable at all. The whole question is whether a person considers himself a
Bahá'í or not, and is willing to adhere to the principles of the Faith and
accept the authority of the Guardian and the Administration — whether that
individual is able, or always in a condition psychologically to attend Feasts
and Bahá'í meetings is an entirely different subject. If a person makes it
quite clear that they do not wish to be considered an active member of the
Bahá'í Community and be affiliated with it and exert their voting right, then
their name should be removed from the voting list; but if a person considers
himself or herself a Bahá'í, and for various reasons is not able to be active
in the affairs of the Community, then they should certainly not be removed from
our voting list, least of all at present, when the number of the Bahá'í
Community is so small.
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 2
March 1951 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany and Austria; The
Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, The Nineteen Day Feast)