Posted every second day…


August 31

Regarding his instruction to the N.S.A. of Iran to the effect that Baha’u’llah’s writings in Arabic should not be translated into Persian; this applies to the translation of the revealed words into Persian only. Your Assembly, therefore, may proceed with its plan for the rendering of the Tablet of Ahmad, the three daily obligatory prayers and other Tablets, into Urdu. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a message dated 14 December 1940, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi; ‘Dawn of a New Day’)


August 29

Well aware of the impending trials that were to afflict Him, the Báb had, ere His final separation from His family, bequeathed to His mother and His wife all His possessions, had confided to the latter the secret of what was to befall Him, and revealed for her a special prayer the reading of which, He assured her, would resolve her perplexities and allay her sorrows. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (‘God Passes By’)


August 27

Indeed the greatness of the Báb consists primarily, not in His being the divinely-appointed Forerunner of so transcendent a Revelation, but rather in His having been invested with the powers inherent in the inaugurator of a separate religious Dispensation, and in His wielding, to a degree unrivaled by the Messengers gone before Him, the scepter of independent Prophethood. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (‘The World Order of Baha’u’llah’)


August 25

The task now facing this highly promising, spiritually dynamic community, [Alaska] at the hour of its emergence as an independent member of the embryonic World Bahá’í Commonwealth, is truly formidable; the responsibilities which it valiantly shoulders, at this crucial hour in its evolution are sacred, heavy, manifold and inescapable. The tests and trials which it must, sooner or later, experience in the course of its unfoldment and consolidation will severely challenge its spirit and resources. The path which it must tread ere the full evidence of its latent capacities are manifested will be long, tortuous and stony. The indomitable faith which now so powerfully animates its members, however, will, beyond the shadow of a doubt, enable them to overcome whatever obstacles may confront them in the future, and ensure the ultimate attainment of their high destiny. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated June 30, 1957 to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Alaska; ‘High Endeavours: Messages to Alaska’)


August 23

He would not advise you to teach them [Eskimos] Esperanto, as we have no way of knowing whether it will ultimately be chosen as the auxiliary language of the world. He thinks the most direct and quickest way of communicating with them in a common tongue should be chosen; in other words, either you should learn their language or they yours, whichever will yield the quickest results.

As they are a relatively uncivilized people, unused to the modern cosmopolitan forms of life, and consequently not au courant with the thoughts which to us have become mere commonplace, he would advise you to approach them through love, friendliness, and association, until you are in a position to enter into their confidence, and gradually teach them, in a simple way, the great truths of our Faith.

To confirm them in the Faith should be your main objective, always bearing in mind that faith and belief are different from learning and a full grasp of the implications of such a vast Cause as ours. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 12 December, 1942, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; ‘High Endeavours: Messages to Alaska’)


August 21

While all members of the community lend their energies to educate children, the responsibility for the spiritual education of children and youth does not rest solely upon the community, and the parents have a very important role in training and educating their own children. As the House of Justice stated in its Riḍván 2000 message, parents “should not ever underestimate their capacity to mold their children’s moral character. For they exercise indispensable influence through the home environment they consciously create by their love of God, their striving to adhere to His laws, their spirit of service to His Cause, their lack of fanaticism, and their freedom from the corrosive effects of backbiting.” The friends should candidly accept that the spiritual and social environment they create in their communities and their homes has a profound influence on shaping the thought and character of young people and that the negative influences of disunity, complaints and contention, and disparaging references to the believers, the institutions, or community affairs can gradually, imperceptibly, and cumulatively extinguish the spirit of faith in young and impressionable hearts that no curriculum or educational program can overcome. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 4 November, 2019, written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)


August 19

Amongst the many other evils afflicting society in this spiritual low water mark in history, is the question of immorality, and overemphasis of sex. Homosexuality, according to the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, is spiritually condemned. This does not mean that people so afflicted must not be helped and advised and sympathized with. It does mean that we do not believe it is a permissible way of life; which, alas, is all too often the accepted attitude nowadays.

We must struggle against the evils in society by spiritual means, and medical and social ones as well. We must be tolerant but uncompromising, understanding but immovable in our point of view.

The thing people need to meet this type of trouble, as well as every other type, is greater spiritual understanding and stability; and of course we Bahá’ís believe that ultimately this can only be given to mankind through the Teachings of the Manifestation of God for this Day. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 21 May 1954 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; ‘Messages to Canada’)


August 17

Regarding your questions: As you know, each Manifestation of God brings secondary laws, suitable for the age in which He appears. The laws of divorce, as given by Christ and Muhammad, have been changed by Bahá’u’lláh.

Divorced people can remarry either other divorced people, or people who have never been divorced; but divorce is strongly condemned in the Teachings, even though it is permitted.

In the Bahá’í Faith, concubinage is not permitted. It is only permitted to have sexual relations with one’s own wife or husband. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 20 August 1953 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; ‘Messages to Canada’)


August 15

... He, Who has entrusted them with such a great mission to the world, is waiting and patiently waiting for them that labour in His Divine Vineyard to turn their hearts in prayer and supplication to the Almighty and seek that aid and guidance that can alone enable them to carry out His Divine Plan for this world. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 7 January 1923 written by Shoghi Effendi to the Bahá’í community of Pasadena, California; compilation: ‘Prayer and Devotional Life, Extracts from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, February 2019)


August 13

O well-wisher of the world of humanity! Praised be God that thine intention was good, that thou didst acquire knowledge and learning, and that thy wish is to engage in service to the peoples of the world. I beseech God that thou mayest succeed in this purpose and mayest manifest that which lieth concealed within thy heart. In the world of creation, good intentions are of two kinds. One kind is particular and aimed at specific people; this is limited and its scope is extremely narrow. The other kind is directed towards all created things; it is all-pervading and extensive in range. Whatsoever is undertaken for the sake of the universal good is of God. Therefore, undertakings that relate somewhat to the general good may be accomplished among civilized nations, but the only thing that is directed wholly towards the general good is the Word of God and Divine wisdom. This is the power which can effect a fundamental change and transformation in the world of being.  This force is creative; it is generative and revitalizing and bringeth forth a new creation. Exert thine utmost endeavour, therefore, in pursuing that which will be the cause of progress of the world of humanity and will lead to perpetual exaltation and eternal life. Upon thee be greetings and praise. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá  (From a Tablet; compilation: ‘Social Action’, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, August 2020; online Baha’i Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)


August 11

…as you already appreciate, the current crisis [covid-19] has altered the context in which the Plan is being pursued. We have been impressed by how many communities have taken great strides in adapting to this new reality. Far from viewing the present period as simply a hiatus to be endured with patience, they have recognized that the state of the world has made the need to render meaningful service to humanity more urgent. Naturally, the activities undertaken must suit the prevailing conditions, but there should be no doubt that this is a time for noble aims, high resolve, and intense endeavour. As is well known, the activities of the Plan are intended to cultivate a thriving community spirit, through which resilience to mighty challenges is also strengthened. Educational efforts aim to raise up a growing number of souls who can contribute to the spiritual and material well-being of a community; devotional meetings nurture the spirit of service as it blossoms, rooting it in a culture of collective worship. In short, the promotion of the Plan implies building capacity to walk the path of service in every time and season—which must surely include moments of acute peril in the life of humanity, such as now. It is essential, then, that the steps being taken to learn how to apply the Plan’s framework for action to the current circumstances of the world continue in earnest; in all likelihood, the global health crisis will have a direct impact on Bahá’í activities, to a greater or lesser degree, for months or even years, and the task of adapting to the situation cannot be postponed. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a message dated 9 May 2020 to all National Spiritual Assemblies)


August 9

The Guardian has never heard of any ruling by which a believer who does not attend three consecutive day Nineteen Day Feasts can be deprived of his voting rights. He does not consider that such action is justifiable at all. The whole question is whether a person considers himself a Bahá'í or not, and is willing to adhere to the principles of the Faith and accept the authority of the Guardian and the Administration — whether that individual is able, or always in a condition psychologically to attend Feasts and Bahá'í meetings is an entirely different subject. If a person makes it quite clear that they do not wish to be considered an active member of the Bahá'í Community and be affiliated with it and exert their voting right, then their name should be removed from the voting list; but if a person considers himself or herself a Bahá'í, and for various reasons is not able to be active in the affairs of the Community, then they should certainly not be removed from our voting list, least of all at present, when the number of the Bahá'í Community is so small. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 2 March 1951 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany and Austria; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, The Nineteen Day Feast)


August 7

He suggests you let the entire matter of your appeal drop. Unless a very serious major issue is involved (which he does not feel is the case this time) to drive these subjects home is far more likely to do the Cause harm than good. There are many mistakes made, but they are, for the most part, not serious enough to warrant creating inharmony and raising issues which lead to endless argument and discussion, wasting time and energy better spent on creative action. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 8 December 1950 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. II, National Spiritual Assembly)


August 5

When criticism and harsh words arise within a Bahá'í community, there is no remedy except to put the past behind one, and persuade all concerned to turn over a new leaf, and for the sake of God and His Faith refrain from mentioning the subjects which have led to misunderstanding and inharmony. The more the friends argue back and forth and maintain, each side, that their point of view is the right one, the worse the whole situation becomes.

When we see the condition the world is in today, we must surely forget these utterly insignificant internal disturbances, and rush, unitedly, to the rescue of humanity. You should urge your fellow-Bahá'ís to take this point of view, and to support you in a strong effort to suppress every critical thought and every harsh word, in order to let the spirit of Bahá'u'lláh flow into the entire community, and unite it in His love and in His service. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 16 February 1951 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. II, Living the Life)


August 3

The excellent work you are doing in the teaching field, he appreciates very deeply and wishes you to persevere and go on teaching people of importance. Even if they are not always good prospects as far as being converted to the Faith goes, it is very necessary that they should hear of it and be made friendly towards it. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 10 February 1951 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. II, Guidelines for Teaching)


August 1

If in this day a soul shall act according to the precepts and the counsels of God, he will serve as a divine physician to mankind, and like the trump of Isráfíl [1], he will call the dead of this contingent world to life; for the confirmations of the Abhá Realm are never interrupted, and such a virtuous soul hath, to befriend him, the unfailing help of the Company on high. Thus shall a sorry gnat become an eagle in the fulness of his strength, and a feeble sparrow change to a royal falcon in the heights of ancient glory.

Wherefore, look not on the degree of your capacity, ask not if you are worthy of the task: rest ye your hopes on the help and loving-kindness, the favours and bestowals of Bahá’u’lláh—may my soul be offered up for His friends! Urge on the steed of high endeavour over the field of sacrifice, and carry away from this wide arena the prize of divine grace. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’)
[1] Believed to be the angel appointed to sound the trumpet on the Day of Resurrection to raise the dead at the bidding of the Lord.