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September 16

In short, every means that produces war must be checked and the causes that prevent the occurrence of war be advanced; -so that physical conflict may become an impossibility. On the other hand, every country must be properly delimited, its exact frontiers marked, its national integrity secured, its permanent independence protected, and its vital interests honoured by the family of nations. These services ought to be rendered by an impartial, international Commission. In this manner all causes of friction and differences will be removed. And in case there should arise some disputes between them, they could arbitrate before the Parliament of Man, the representatives of which should be chosen from among the wisest and most judicious men of all the nations of the world. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  ("Star of the West", vol. 5, no. 8 (August 1914), pp. 115-117) The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. II, Peace)