We have no doubt that the Bahá'í world community will
accomplish all these tasks and go forward to new achievements. The powers
released by Bahá'u'lláh match the needs of the times. We may therefore be
utterly confident that the new throb of energy now vibrating throughout the
Cause will empower it to meet the oncoming challenges of assisting, as maturity
and resources allow, the development of the social and economic life of
peoples, of collaborating with the forces leading towards the establishment of
order in the world, of influencing the exploitation and constructive uses of
modern technology, and in all these ways enhancing the prestige and progress of
the Faith and uplifting the conditions of the generality of mankind.
- The Universal House opf Justice (Ridvan
1983, message to the Bahá'ís of the World;
compilation: ‘Science and Technology’, compiled by Research Department of the
Universal House of Justice and attached to a Memorandum from the Research
Department of the Universal House of Justice, dated 13-August 1997)