As to the question raised connection with
Baha'u'llah's statement in the 'Gleanings' concerning the sacrifice of Ishmael;
although this statement does not agree with that made in the Bible, Genesis
22:9, the friends should unhesitatingly, and for reasons that are only too
obvious, give precedence to the saying of Baha'u'llah, which, it should be
pointed out, is fully corroborated by the Qur'an which book is far more
authentic than the Bible, including both the New and Old Testaments. The Bible
is not wholly authentic, and in this respect is not to be compared with the
Qur'an, and should be wholly subordinated to the authentic writings of
- Baha'u'llah (From a letter dated July 28, 1936 written on behalf of Shoghi
Effendi to a National Spiritual Assembly; compilation: ‘Holy Scriptures of
previous Dispensations’, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal
House of Justice and accompanied a letter dated January 1, 1981 written on
behalf of the Universal House of Justice)