…the tidings of the Prophets are all founded upon the
scattering rays of the light of truth and proceed from pure inspiration and
revelation. For past, present, and future apply only to the world of creation,
not to the world of God. In the realm of Truth, past, present, and future are
one and the same: The beginning is even as the end and the end even as the
beginning. For in the eternal and everlasting realm of God, time holds no sway
and no distinction can be made between past and future, as past and future are
contrary to that which has neither beginning nor end. In a realm that has no beginning
and no end, how can past, present, and future even be imagined? Observe that
even in an outward sense time has no sway in the world of the intellect, even
though it holds sway in the mind of an intelligent person, for the power of the
mind has ever apprehended and encompassed all things and will forever continue
to do so.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a talk, New resources available at Online Baha’i
Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)