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July 5

Poignantly call to mind the circumstances attending the last act consummating the tragic ministry of the Master-Hero [the Báb] of the most sublime drama in the religious annals of mankind, signalizing the most dramatic event of the most turbulent period of the Heroic Age of the Bahá’í Dispensation, destined to be recognized by posterity as the most precious, momentous sacrifice in the world’s spiritual history. Recall the peerless tributes paid to His [the Báb's] memory by the Founder of the Faith [Baha’u’llah], acclaiming Him Monarch of God’s Messengers, the Primal Point round Whom the realities of all the Prophets circle in adoration. Profoundly stirred by the memory of the agonies He suffered, the glad-tidings He announced, the warnings He uttered, the forces He set in motion, the adversaries He converted, the disciples He raised up, the conflagrations He precipitated, the legacy He left of faith and courage, the love He inspired. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 4 July 1950; ‘Citadel of Faith’)