The Faith is not opposed to the true interests of any
nation, nor is it against any party or faction. It holds aloof from all
controversies and transcends them all, while enjoining upon its followers
loyalty to government and a sane patriotism. This love for their country the
Baha'is show by serving its well-being in their daily activity, or by working
in the administrative channels of the government instead of through party
politics or in diplomatic or political posts. The Baha'is may, indeed are
encouraged to mix with all strata of society, with the highest authorities and
with leading personalities as well as with the mass of the people, and should
bring the knowledge of the Faith to them; but in so doing they should strictly
avoid becoming identified, or identifying the Faith, with political pursuits
and party programmes.
- The Universal House of Justice (From a message dated 8
February 1970; ‘Messages from the Universal House of Justice, 1963-1986’)