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March 26

If we but turn our gaze to the high qualifications of the members of Baha’i Assemblies, as enumerated in Abdu’l Baha’s Tablets, we are filled with feelings of unworthiness and dismay, and would feel truly disheartened but for the comforting thought that if we rise to play nobly our part every deficiency in our lives will be more than compensated by the all-conquering spirit of His grace and power. Hence it is incumbent upon the chosen delegates to consider without the least trace of passion and prejudice, and irrespective of any material consideration, the names of only those who can best combine the necessary qualities of unquestioned loyalty, of selfless devotion, of a well-trained mind, of recognized ability and mature experience. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a message dated June 3rd, 1925 addressed to the 1925 Baha’i Convention at Green Acre; Baha’i News no. 6, July-August, 1925; ‘Baha’i Administration’)