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January 27

There are many organizations that have devoted themselves to protesting against human rights violations, and in many instances individual Bahá’ís are among those supporting such organizations. Given the relatively small size of the Bahá’í community throughout the world, and the fact that in a great many places the Bahá’ís are themselves not yet fully knowledgeable of the Teachings, it is not possible at this stage for them to assail all the evils afflicting humanity, but must, of necessity, take the time to internalize the principles of the Faith and expand its numbers to a degree that it can influence a profound change in the behavior of world society. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated December 2, 1992; compilation: ‘Involvement in Political Protests and Demonstrations”, prepared by the Office of Public Affairs of US National Spiritual Assembly)