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May 7

As the Baha'i community grows it will acquire experts in numerous fields both by Baha'is becoming experts and by experts becoming Baha'is. As these experts bring their knowledge and skill to the service of the community and, even more, as they transform their various disciplines by bringing to bear upon them the light of the Divine Teachings, problem after problem now disrupting society will be answered. In such developments they should strive to make the utmost use of non-Baha'i resources and should collaborate fully with non-Baha'is who are working in the same fields. Such collaboration will, in the long run, be of far more benefit than any attempt now to treat such scientific endeavours as specifically Baha'i projects operating under Baha'i institutions and financed by investment of Baha'i funds. Paralleling this process, Baha'i institutional life will also be developing, and as it does so the Assemblies will draw increasingly upon scientific and expert knowledge - whether of Baha'is or of non-Baha'is - to assist in solving the problems of their communities. In time great Baha'i institutions of learning, great international and national projects for the betterment of human life will be inaugurated and flourish. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 21 August 1977 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)