Posted every second day…


January 31

With regard to your question concerning spiritual healing: Such a healing constitutes, indeed, one of the most effective methods of relieving a person from either his mental or physical pains and sufferings. 'Abdu'l-Bahá has in His "Paris Talks" emphasized its importance by stating that it should be used as an essential means for effecting a complete physical cure. Spiritual healing, however, is not and cannot be a substitute for material healing, but it is a most valuable adjunct to it. Both are, indeed, essential and complementary. 
(From a letter dated 16 February 1935 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, Health, Healing and Nutrition)


January 30

Throughout the entire planet the devoted followers of Baha'u'llah are labouring to develop further the Baha'i Administrative Order described by the Guardian "not only as the nucleus but the very pattern of the New World Order", thus setting the foundation for a world civilization destined to yield its dazzling splendour in the centuries to come. They do so notwithstanding the conditions of turmoil and disorder alluded to by Baha'u'llah in affirming that "the world's equilibrium hath been upset through the vibrating influence of this most great, this new World Order. Mankind's ordered life hath been revolutionized through the agency of this unique, this wondrous System - the like of which mortal eyes have never witnessed."  
(The Universal House of Justice, from a message dated 25 March 2007 to the Baha’is of the World)


January 29

Question: What will be the food of the united people?

‘Abdu’l-Baha’s Answer: As humanity progresses, meat will be used less and less, for the teeth of man are not carnivorous. For example, the lion is endowed with carnivorous teeth which are intended for meat and if meat be not found, the lion starves. The lion cannot graze; its teeth are of different shape. The formation of the lion's stomach is such that it cannot receive nourishment save through meat. The eagle has a crooked beak; the lower part shorter than the upper. Were it to try to pick up grain it would find it impossible; were it to try to graze, it would fail. Therefore it is compelled to partake of meat. But the domestic animals, the cow, horse, donkey, sheep, etc. have herbivorous teeth formed to eat grass which is their fodder. The human teeth, the molars, are formed to grind grain. The front teeth, the incisors, are for fruits, etc. It is therefore quite apparent, according to the implements for eating, man's food is intended to be grain and not meat. When mankind is more fully developed the eating of meat will gradually cease. 
(‘Abdu’l-Baha, Questions and Answers following ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s Talk at Church of the Ascension, New York, June 2, 1912; Star of the West, vol. 3, no. 10, September 8, 1912) 


January 28

True equality [between men and women] is not easily attained; the transformation required is difficult for men and women alike. We encourage you, then, to continue to enhance your understanding of the operation of this principle and to strive to uphold it more consistently in your family and community life. You can, in addition, draw upon your experience to discuss this issue with friends, neighbours and co-workers, especially the challenges it presents and ways of surmounting them, and participate in projects designed to advance the status of women, whether by government agencies or organizations of civil society. 
(The Universal House of Justice, from a message dated 20 June 2008 addressed to the Baha’is in Iran)


January 27

In describing Baha'i elections, Shoghi Effendi, through a letter written on his behalf, conveyed that "Baha'i electoral procedures and methods have, indeed, for one of their essential purposes the development in every believer of the spirit of responsibility. By emphasizing the necessity of maintaining his full freedom in the elections, they make it incumbent upon him to become an active and well-informed member of the Baha'i community in which he lives." 
(The Universal House of Justice, from a message dated 25 March 2007 to the Baha’is of the World)


January 26

It is always important to remember that with the coming of Bahá’u’lláh the human race as a whole was summoned to recognition of its oneness, and this has launched it on a wholly new stage in its spiritual and social evolution. He has stated clearly that His message and the glorious prospects envisaged belong to every people on the planet. “The summons and the message”, He wrote, “which We gave were never intended to reach or to benefit one land or one people only. Mankind in its entirety must firmly adhere to whatsoever hath been revealed and vouchsafed unto it. Then and only then will it attain unto true liberty.”  
(From a letter dated 3 June 2007 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)


January 25

The development of Assemblies in relation to the teaching work is progressing through their direct support for individual initiative and cluster activities, their interaction with institutions operating at the cluster level, and the guidance and support they receive from Regional Councils. The training provided through your National Office complements this process by concentrating on subjects that go well beyond matters of growth, touching on such sensitive and often problematic issues as personal status, family violence, and other questions of a judicial or administrative character. Therefore you are free to continue these efforts, which fall mainly into the category of the administration of justice that you have carried out so well in the past, without the need to transfer them to the Regional Councils. 
(From a letter dated 5 January 2006 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States)


January 24

Question: What will be the food of the future?

‘Abdu’l-Baha’s answer: "Fruit and grains. The time will come when meat will no longer be eaten. Medical science is only in its infancy, yet it has shown that our natural diet is that which grows out of the ground. The people will gradually develop up to the condition of this natural food." 
('Abdu'l-Bahá, cited in Julia M. Grundy. "Ten Days in the Light of 'Akka"; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, Health, Healing and Nutrition)


January 23

…the equality of men and women is not a Western construct but a universal spiritual truth — a statement about human nature — that was promulgated by Bahá’u’lláh nearly one hundred and fifty years ago in His native Iran. That women should enjoy equal rights with men is a requirement of justice. It is a principle consonant with the highest standard of purity and sanctity, whose application strengthens family life and is essential to the regeneration and progress of any nation. Indeed, peace in the world and the advancement of civilization depend on its realization. 
(The Universal House of Justice, from a message dated 20 June 2008 addressed to the Baha’is in Iran)


January 22

Regarding the question of slavery, its horrifying aftermath in America and the abetment of Christians, you are no doubt aware that enslaving other human beings and otherwise discriminating against them were not unique to members of this religious community. Centuries before the African slave trade was introduced to the West, it was practiced by Muslims in the East. In fact this act of enforced, uncompensated labor and the humiliation it imposed have been a common part of mankind’s history stretching back to ancient times; Africans have themselves imposed slavery on different tribes residing among them. It is a sobering fact that this form of oppression has injured the lives of human groups across the planet. Erasing the scars so deeply etched on human consciousness requires a monumental remedy that only a Revelation of the global magnitude of the Bahá’í Faith can ensure. All so afflicted can now find relief in Bahá’u’lláh’s assertion that, as the Divine Physician, He has prescribed the remedy for all that ails the world of humanity. 
(From a letter dated 3 June 2007 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)


January 21

The World Order of Baha'u'llah is the divinely ordained system for which nations and peoples so desperately search. Hailed by the Báb in the Persian Bayan, its foundational features prescribed by Baha'u'llah Himself, this Order is without precedent in human history for its standard of justice and its commitment to the practical realization of the oneness of mankind, as well as for its capacity to promote change and the advancement of world civilization. It provides the means by which the Divine Will illumines the path of human progress and guides the eventual establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.  
(The Universal House of Justice, from a message dated 25 March 2007 to the Baha’is of the World)


January 20

To say that the institute is only useful for newly enrolled believers and those who read little is not correct. Many mature and deepened believers are participating in the institute process, both as students and as teachers of various courses, in an effort to contribute directly to the promotion of entry by troops in their respective countries. Through such participation they have furthered their understanding of the requisites of growth and of the action required to maintain it, have caught fresh glimpses of spiritual truths, and have developed their skills and abilities of service. Far from interfering with their own study of the Writings, each according to his or her own capacity and needs, their association with a training institute has enhanced the process. Yet clearly such participation is not a requirement for every Baha’i, who, in the final analysis, can choose the manner in which he or she will serve the Faith. What is essential is that the institute process be supported even by those who do not wish to take part in it.  
(Letter dated 31 May 2001 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer; ‘Building Momentum: A Coherent Approach to Growth’, prepared by the International Teaching Center)


January 19

Love is the source of all the bestowals of God. Until love takes possession of the heart, no other divine bounty can be revealed in it. 
(‘Abdu’l-Baha, from a talk, New York, 14 April 1912; ‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912’)


January 18

…all programmatic and administrative matters pertaining to growth of the Faith in its area are the proper concern of every Regional Bahá’í Council and are to be dealt with by it in accordance with the requirements for the execution of the Five Year Plan in your community. The Regional Councils are the executive instruments of the National Spiritual Assembly authorized to act on its behalf in devising and promoting programs dedicated to fulfilling the aim of advancing the process of entry by troops. The Councils direct and coordinate the work of cluster agencies, as well as ensure the collaborative involvement of Local Spiritual Assemblies in cluster and core activities. 
(From a letter dated 5 January 2006 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States)   


January 17

The most important thing is to polish the mirrors of hearts in order that they may become illumined and receptive of the divine light. 
(‘Abdu’l-Baha, from a talk, New York, 14 April 1912; ‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912’)


January 16

The requirements of [obligatory] prayer in previous Dispensations have often included prostration. In the Arabic Bayán the Báb called upon the believers to lay their foreheads on surfaces of crystal when prostrating. Similarly, in Islám, certain restrictions are imposed with regard to the surface on which Muslims are permitted to prostrate. Bahá’u’lláh abrogates such restrictions and simply specifies “any surface that is clean”. 
(The ‘Notes’ section of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice)


January 15

... Undoubtedly when the Word of God penetrates the hearts of the people there it will transform them into the new race of men which is promised in our teachings. The function of the Bahá’í communities at the present time is to act as the leaven which will gradually bring this great transformation about. 
(The Universal House of Justice, from a letter dated 19 April 1973 to an individual believer; compilation: ‘A New Race of Men’, prepared by the Research department of the Universal House of Justice, included in a letter dated 2013-09-13 written by the Office of Correspondence of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)


January 14

The administration of teaching is preeminent among the categories of responsibility in which a National Spiritual Assembly exercises its authority to direct and coordinate the affairs of its community. The execution of this responsibility is of a different character, however, from that of, say, the administration of justice; for whereas the latter is properly concentrated in the activity of the Assembly, which must itself render judgments on cases submitted to it, the former is essentially concerned with efforts initiated and maintained at the base of the community and thus calls for a decentralized mode of management—a means of functioning that makes possible the mobilization of action among the generality of believers, whose individual initiatives must be accommodated in a coherent movement of teaching at the level of clusters. Where rapid or substantial growth is occurring, such management ensures that due attention is given not only to executing the plan for expansion and consolidation, but also to addressing the needs of varying patterns of growth from one area to another, to coping with emerging new realities, as well as to applying the lessons of experience in rapidly changing situations.  
(From a letter dated 5 January 2006 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States)


January 13

Iran's crisis of civilization will be resolved neither by blind imitation of an obviously defective Western culture nor by retreat into medieval ignorance. The answer to the dilemma was enunciated on the very threshold of the crisis, in the clearest and most compelling language, by a distinguished Son of lran Who is today honoured in every continent of the world, but sadly not in the land of His birth. Persia's poetic genius captures the irony: "I searched the wide world over for my Beloved, while my Beloved was waiting for me in my own home." The world's appreciation of Baha'u'llah came perhaps most explicitly into focus on 29 May 1992, the centenary of His death, when the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies met in solemn session to pay tribute to Him, to His teachings and to the services rendered to humanity by the community He founded. On that occasion, the Speaker of the Chamber and spokespersons from every party rose, successively, to express their profound admiration of One who was described in their addresses as the Author of "the most colossal religious work written by the pen of a single Man", a message that "reaches out to humanity as a whole, without petty differences of nationality, race, limits or belief”.  
(The Universal House of Justice, from a message dated 26 November 2003 to the ‘Followers of Baha’u’llah in the Cradle of the Faith)


January 12

It is quite reasonable to expect that, as far as training by the institute is concerned, certain courses would have as their prerequisite the completion of other courses. However, this notion should not be carried over into other Baha'i activities, and clearly no distinction should be made between "trained" and "untrained" believers in the country. That for certain types of service the qualifications of the believers would need to be taken into account is natural. Yet the way should be open for all the fiends, irrespective of the degree of their knowledge and experience, to participate in the affairs of the Faith…  
(Letter dated 4 October 2000 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the Spiritual Assembly of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands; ‘Building Momentum: A Coherent Approach to Growth’, prepared by the International Teaching Centre)


January 11

The 9-pointed star is not a part of the teachings of our Faith, but only used as an emblem representing "9".... Strictly speaking the 5-pointed star is the symbol of our Faith..… 
(From a letter dated 28 October 1949, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; Baha’i News, no. 228, February 1950); compilation: Lights of Guidance; also included in a memorandum by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, dated 24 January 1999)


January 10

The Mashriqu’l-Adhkár is a unique concept in the annals of religion and symbolizes the teachings of the new Day of God. A collective centre of society to promote cordial affection, the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár stands as a universal place of worship open to all the inhabitants of a locality irrespective of their religious affiliation, background, ethnicity, or gender and a haven for the deepest contemplation on spiritual reality and foundational questions of life, including individual and collective responsibility for the betterment of society. Men and women, children and youth, are held in its embrace as equals. This singular and integral universality is captured in the very structure of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, whose design as a nine-sided edifice conveys a sense of completeness and perfection symbolized by that number.  
(The Universal House of Justice, from a message dated 18 December 2014 to the Baha’is in Iran)


January 9

It is very easy indeed for him to understand how you, with your training, are often tested and irritated by your contact with some of the believers. But then you must remember that your advantages of a reasonable mind and a scientific education have not been given to all, and you cannot expect acceptance of Bahá’u’lláh’s Teachings to endow people with these things automatically! But think of the kind of human beings, if brought up in the society He envisages, and taught in homes, schools and universities which were the mirror and product of His teachings, which would be produced! There you would really have a new race of men. 
(From a letter dated 5 July 1947 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; compilation: ‘A New Race of Men’, prepared by the Research department of the Universal House of Justice, included in a letter dated 13 September 2013 written by the Office of Correspondence of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)


January 8

As you are aware, it is not the practice of Baha'i institutions or individuals to take positions on the political decisions of governments. One of the greatest obstacles to progress is the tendency of Baha'is to be drawn into the general attitudes and disputes that surround them. The central importance of the principle of avoidance of politics and controversial matters is that Baha'is should not allow themselves to be involved in the disputes of the many conflicting elements of the society around them.  

The aim of the Baha'is is to reconcile viewpoints, to heal divisions, and to bring about tolerance and mutual respect among men, and this aim is undermined if we allow ourselves to be swept along by the ephemeral passions of others. This does not mean that Baha'is cannot collaborate with any non-Baha'i movement; it does mean that good judgment is required to distinguish those activities and associations which are beneficial   and constructive from those which are divisive. 
(From a letter dated 12 January 2003 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)     


January 7

The powers latent in prayer are manifested when it is motivated by the love of God, beyond any fear or favour, and free from ostentation and superstition. It is to be expressed with a sincere and pure heart conducive to contemplation and meditation so that the rational faculty can be illumined by its effects. Such prayer will transcend the limitation of words and go well beyond mere sounds. The sweetness of its melodies must gladden and uplift the heart and reinforce the penetrating power of the Word, transmuting earthly inclinations into heavenly attributes and inspiring selfless service to humankind.  
(The Universal House of Justice, from a message dated 18 December 2014 to the Baha’is in Iran)


January 6

The enduring legacy of the twentieth century is that it compelled the peoples of the world to begin seeing themselves as the members of a single human race, and the earth as that race’s common homeland. Despite the continuing conflict and violence that darken the horizon, prejudices that once seemed inherent in the nature of the human species are everywhere giving way. Down with them come barriers that long divided the family of man into a Babel of incoherent identities of cultural, ethnic or national origin. That so fundamental a change could occur in so brief a period -- virtually overnight in the perspective of historical time -- suggests the magnitude of the possibilities for the future.  
(The Universal House of Justice, from April 2002 message to the World’s Religious Leaders)


January 5

Reflect upon the destructive forces at work that are destabilizing equilibrium across the face of the globe, including the situation that prevails in your own land [Iran]. Power is seized and exercised in a manner that twists or obscures the truth to serve the special interests of the few at the expense of the many. Fanaticism is unleashed in the name of religion, such that it distorts human behaviour and promotes social strife in a manner that stands in stark contrast to the spiritual qualities and social well-being which the Messengers of God sacrificed themselves to foster. Materialism dulls the human spirit, trapping that bird, which should soar in the heavens, in the mire of self-indulgence and animalistic tendencies. As human beings are buffeted by these forces, they long for truth and that which is right and become impelled to discover a way out of this morass. Inspired by the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh, you stand against such negative forces, you respond to this search for truth, and together with others of like mind you serve the process of the construction of a just and peaceful world. Praised be God that you are engaged in carrying out the admonitions of your Beloved. 
(The Universal House of Justice, from a message dated 1 October 2014 to the Baha’is of Iran)


January 4

Divorced from the social, humanitarian, educational, and scientific pursuits centring around the Dependencies of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, Bahá'í worship, however exalted in its conception, however passionate in fervour ... cannot afford lasting satisfaction and benefit to the worshipper himself, much less to humanity in general, unless and until translated and transfused into that dynamic and disinterested service to the cause of humanity which it is the supreme privilege of the Dependencies of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar to facilitate and promote. 
(Shoghi Effendi, from a letter dated 25 October 1929 to the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, quoted in a letter from the Universal House of Justice dated 18 December 2014 to the Bahá'ís in Iran; also in ‘The Baha’i World 1973-1976)


January 3

Those persons who are selected to serve the public, or are appointed to administrative positions, should perform their duties in a spirit of true servitude and ready compliance. That is to say, they should be distinguished by their goodly disposition and virtuous character, content themselves with their allotted remuneration, and act with trustworthiness in all their doings. They should keep themselves aloof from unworthy motives, and be far removed above covetous designs; for rectitude, probity and righteousness are among the most potent means for attracting the grace of God and securing both the prosperity of the country and the welfare of the people. Glory and honour for man are not to be found in fortunes and riches, least of all in those which have been unlawfully amassed through extortion, embezzlement and corruption practised at the expense of an exploited populace. Supreme honour, nobility and greatness in the human world, and true felicity in this life and the life to come -- all consist in equity and uprightness, sanctity and detachment. If a man would seek distinction, he should suffice himself with a frugal provision, seek to better the lot of the poor of the realm, choose the way of justice and fair-mindedness, and tread the path of high-spirited service. Such a one, needy though he be, shall win imperishable riches and attain unto everlasting honour. 
(‘Abdu’l-Baha, from a Tablet; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, Trustworthiness: A Cardinal Bahá'í Virtue)


January 2

… the forms and organisms of phenomenal being and existence in each of the kingdoms of the universe are myriad and numberless. The vegetable plane or kingdom, for instance, has its infinite variety of types and  material structures of plant life -- each distinct and  different within itself, no two exactly alike in   composition and detail -- for there are no repetitions in nature, and the augmentative virtue cannot be confined to any given image or shape. Each leaf has its own particular identity -- so to speak, its own individuality as a leaf... 
(‘Abdu’l-Baha, from a talk, 27 August 1912, Boston, Massachusetts, ‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace; The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, Conservation of the Earth's Resources) 


January 1

Prayer is the essential spiritual conversation of the soul with its Maker, direct and without intermediation. It is the spiritual food that sustains the life of the spirit. Like the morning’s dew, it brings freshness to the heart and cleanses it, purifying it from attachments of the insistent self. It is a fire that burns away the veils and a light that leads to the ocean of reunion with the Almighty. On its wings does the soul soar in the heavens of God and draw closer to the divine reality. Upon its quality depends the development of the limitless capacities of the soul and the attraction of the bounties of God, but the prolongation of prayer is not desirable. 
(The Universal House of Justice, from a message dated 18 December 2014 to the Baha’is in Iran)